Specialists of different fields give facts about the benefits of kisses. Dentists say that the increased salivation of saliva during a kiss washes thousands of bacteria that are on your teeth and contribute to the development of caries. That is why the kiss is a good prevention of this disease.
As it turns out, human saliva contains natural antibiotics, as well as phosphorus and calcium compounds. The technique of passionate kiss contributes to a faster production of saliva and increased activity of all its beneficial substances. According to some doctors, the kiss may well replace vaccination, because during it we exchange bacteria with a partner, and this activates the immune system.
In addition, bacteria that we “receive as a gift” from the partner accelerate the release of substances that contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. The action of this process is similar to the process of licking wounds in animals.
Special studies of nutritionists have shown that excess calories are burned during the kiss. Moreover, the more passion in your kiss, the more excess weight you can lose.
“A kiss is a magnificent“ lung ventilation, ”therapists say. A person absorbed in a kiss takes 60 breaths per minute. This is 4 times more breaths than in the usual state.
Due to the reduction of 39 facial muscles, the kiss prevents age wrinkles. Yes, and cosmetologists could not, he would not join the discussion of this issue.
These facts, of course, will inspire all those who have long known the mystery of a kiss, and those who are just learning, how to kiss the suction properly. Well, kiss people, to health!