How insulting at the beginning of the working season to suddenly fall with the flu. Of course, everyone wants to recover as soon as possible and return to the labor schedule. Folk remedies and tips of professionals can help in such a situation. Scientists have their own program of the course of accelerated recovery. The main thing is to pay due attention to sleep, a full sleep is 8-9 hours. The most significant of them are the first two hours, since it is during this period that the body is able to develop a growth hormone that is so necessary for any healing process. It is also important to adhere to the right diet. Eat food rich in proteins, fats and vitamins. In addition, there are 5 healing techniques with which you can easily get rid of any ailment.
Therapeutic properties of honey
Almost everyone knows about the beneficial qualities of honey. It will not be replaced in the kitchen, both in household functions and in medicinal. For example, a burn treated with such a natural antiseptic heals 4 days faster than the usual. It helps from insomnia and throat disease. It is best to use home honey, regardless of the variety. Yoga
Any physical activity helps normalize blood circulation, eliminate stress to accelerate recovery. However, yoga can cope with this most effectively. Its classes eliminate the pain in the back of the back and return the flexibility and ease of the joints. There are no restrictions on either age or physical. To date, it is not so difficult to find a studio or yoga circle, so doctors recommend not to waste time and rather make an appointment with training. If there is absolutely no way to get to the lesson, you can buy a disk and engage in it. Healthy therapeutic massage
Only an hour of effective massage will help save you from all clamps in the spine. General massage can remove muscle overwork, remove pain and discomfort. In addition, massage helps with dislocations or sprains excellently. Home rest
For some reason, people in our active computer age forget about the importance of peace. Moreover, the rest can be called the lesson to the favorite thing, if at the same time you feel harmony and tranquility. The most important thing is that your head is free from negative thoughts and daily worries. Family harmony
It is very important that harmony always reigned in your family atmosphere. The house should be filled with joy, only then, coming here, you can fully relax. And tense, nervous relations in the family circle will only slow down the process of recovery after any disease.