The relationship has come to an end. When parting, you said many different words to each other. In most cases, all words were offensive. The door is closed, all joint photos are torn. But for some reason the heart still cannot calm down. Love still lives in the heart for a former beloved. Everything in the apartment reminds of happy minutes lived together. A man passing by reminds of a former lover. How to be? What to do to forget about unhappy love? For psychologists, unhappy love is a kind of dependence that is poorly affected by human health. Therefore, psychologists are inclined to fight unhappy love with psychotherapeutic ways. Now I’ll tell you exactly what methods are suitable for combating unhappy love.
Be sure to make the final decision
According to psychologists, all our suffering is due to the fact that hope still lives in us to return to the previous relationship. But these hopes will not lead to anything good. Your former is not worthy of you shed tears because of him. Try to throw it out of your thoughts and forget about it. Of course, to do this is not so simple, but try it and you will definitely succeed. If, despite all your efforts, nothing happens, it means that some insults lurked in you.
With resentment that live in you can work as follows. Write down all your grievances on a piece of paper or in a computer. After that, write on a piece of paper everything that you want to say to your ex. After that, just burn this leaf. Burning a leaf, imagine that along with the leaf, all the pain from parting burns.
If nothing happened, then you can resort to the next method. It is necessary to put a chair opposite yourself. After that, try to imagine that the man whom you want to throw out from your memory is sitting on this chair. Tell him everything you think about him. You can even tell him a few pleasant words.
Crying when you want
If you muffle sobs, it will have a very bad effect on health. Better not to keep tears in yourself. Let your eyes swell slightly, but you will completely get rid of suffering. But before you begin to suffer, it is necessary to clearly decide on the end of the end of suffering. On the calendar, this date can somehow be noted. The best option for sobs for a couple of weeks. If the suffering will last months, then you can get to the psychiatrist.
“Bind your wounds”
As soon as you parted, you have more free time. Go to the fitness club, make a haircut, buy yourself a new thing and so on. Make yourself pleasant, do not deny yourself what you have refused before! Women are strong and can survive any troubles. But despite this, you need to regret yourself. Cure your wounds in any way.
Remember, you are so alone and worthy of the best!