There were rumors that Chanel was going to try to return. In addition to the new round of lawsuits against the vertheimers (now it has become her hobby and sports), she did not do anything. At the end of the decade, Chanel received the news of the death of MISI in Paris. She sat in the nearest plane and, arriving, dispersed everyone from the Misina room. I ordered a bowl with pieces of ice to smooth the wrinkles of her friend (where she learned this?). Painted her, put on white and easily pulled her best jewelry on her fingers and wrists. When everyone returned, they saw the former, forever elegant Misu.
The experience of returning, especially when a person has exceeded seventy, can become the topic of a separate book. It is one thing to sketch a portrait of a young woman, beautiful, complete energy and deprived of wisdom to know what’s what, another is to imagine Chanel of an old, compromised, well -aware of all the cruel vicissitudes of the fashion world and very lonely. If you look at the world optimistically, by seventy years you have passed through everything and lose, at most pride (an important thing, if you are Chanel). The complete absence of long -term investments into the future inspires fearlessness in you, which otherwise you would not have. That is why people older than a certain age always say: if you have health, you have everything. To take up anything so curious, we need a stock of vitality. By that time, Chanel lived exclusively on income from Chanel No. 5, but she did not have capital to resume the case. Of all her acquaintances, the only person with a fairly deep pockets to support such a risky enterprise was a “gentleman from the Neuhi”, as she called Pierre Vertheimer, her true spouse. To intrigue him, she let the ear that Harpers Bazaar Karmel show was associated with her to use any new Chanel models for mass clothing production in New York.