Many people are faced with the problem of the appearance of black dots on their faces. And this is not the problem of adolescents, but on the contrary, people from 20 years old most often suffer. Black acne loves such places as nose, chin and cheeks, that is, the most prominent places on the face, so whatever you want the skin of the face to look beautiful, you have to deal with this problem.
Such acne is called – gum. And only regular facial cleaning, about 1 time per month, will allow them to get rid of them. You can read more about this and other tips here.
The best way will be to go to mechanical face cleansing in a beauty salon. There, a qualified specialist according to the rules will remove pollution. But if there is no way to visit the salons or finances, adhere to certain rules at home and you will succeed. The first stage is the scorching of the face. To do this, pour a small amount of water into the pan with a spoonful of some pharmacy grass (chamomile, St. John’s wort, sage), boil it, then add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil, tilt your head over the pan, cover yourself with a towel and plant it like that for 15 minutes). Here, as you can see, it will take half an hour for such a process. You can do everything easier thanks to the already prepared warmed mixtures of masks, crabs or steaming strips. Or the third option. Relax for the whole body. This is a visit to a bathhouse or sauna.
Steaming is necessary so that the pores and squeezing acne are not so painful and more effective. Before removing black dots, disinfect your hands with an alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide. If some pimple does not lend itself to removal, do not torment yourself, leave it alone, because you can also harm the skin, leave a scar or black pimple will grow into purulent inflammatory formation.
After removal, wipe your face with a tonic or any means of pores, for example salicylic acid.
It is possible to remove black dots at home with the help of all kinds of masks and scrubs. You can buy them, but you can cook it yourself. So, a few recipes of masks that we cook at home.
Recipe 1
With coffee and flakes
1 h. l. Glushs of coffee
1 h. l. ground flakes
1 h. l. ground beans
0.5 hours. l. small salt
0.5 hours. l. sour cream
Recipe 2
With egg protein
1 egg protein (raw)
2 hours. l. lemon juice
2 hours. l. Alay juice
Stir everything until a homogeneous consistency and applies in two stages. The first half of the mixture – we wait until it dries – the second half of the mixture for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Recipe 3
1 tbsp. l. crushed claps of Hercules
0.5 hours. l. soda
1 h. l. Kefira
You will get a thick gruel, which must be applied to the problem areas of the face, let it dry for 15 minutes and roll the mixture with your fingers with your fingers.
The most affordable and quick way is just applying kefir to the face. Thanks to the acid that is contained in it, it is able to dissolve subcutaneous formations. This component is very good for combined and oily skin. just apply kefir and rinse with warm water in 15 minutes.