In addition to classical genera, there are also other provisions in which you can also give birth to a baby without harm to health. Of course, one ideal ways of childbirth cannot be called, since each of them has its own pros and cons of. The choice is always for you. Vertical birth is at least not as popular as classic, but have large advantages. For example, during the period of vertical births, the uterus crushes the uterus less than the uterine-placental blood circulation on large vessels, and more oxygen comes to the baby in this way. This is very important, since there is a fairly large risk of oxygen starvation of the baby during the period of fights and the passage of the head. In the vertical position of the pregnant woman, the first stage of childbirth occurs much faster. Thanks to the additional movements of a woman, which is not like during classical birth, and the baby’s head, and the fetal bladder presses more on the cervix. Due to which uterine pharynx is more disclosed. It turns out that childbirth for 2-3 hours pass faster than traditional. It is more useful for both patients and child. The risk of birth injury is reduced.
The second stage, on the contrary, increases by 20-30 minutes. This occurs due to a more smooth promotion of the baby. In addition, all the muscles of the press, pelvic floor, back and skeletal muscles begin to work more organized and more clearly. A woman spends less strength, the pelvis relaxes more, and the baby moves much more easily along the birth canal, spending less energy. The woman herself as a whole loses less blood, due to the faster separation of the placenta. Vertical birth is ending in that the baby is put on the stomach, and he himself crawls to the nipple for milk.
If the pregnant woman is squatting in a position, then the child can easier to go through the birth canal. However, the back and legs will get tired faster, so you will have to get up or lie down after a while. Pushing the woman will help the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. On all fours a woman will be easier to breathe, and the lower back will get tired less. Thanks to this position of the future mother, it is easier to push, because she herself observes the results of her work, and the child will appear right before her eyes. In this position, a woman should rely on her hands and knees, this position is called the most physiological, since the mutual exposure of the gravity of the severity of the child and contractions help quickly.
There are still experimental two poses: on the back and sitting. The position on the back is more convenient for both women and doctors. A sedentary position will help less squeeze the weight of the baby vessels of the abdominal cavity.