Every woman dreams of becoming a mother – to feel a tiny body in her hands, at her chest, learning what the feeding of newborn should be. With pride, she wants to watch the first steps of her child, the first achievements and smiles.
But, unfortunately, it is necessary to state that 15 % of modern couples hear a formidable diagnosis from doctors – infertility. If drug treatment does not help, then eco -extracorporeal fertilization comes to the aid of future parents.
There are many problems, both in a woman and a man who can become an indication for IVF, that is why if conception does not occur in a natural way, then you need to contact the family planning center.
During the IVF procedure from the woman’s body, an egg is removed using puncture. If it is previously proved that in the body of a woman they are absent or there is a functional inferiority of oocytes, then you can use the donation of eggs in Russia. Subsequently, the eggs are fertilized with sperm and with the help of special tools they return to the woman’s body again, to the uterine cavity. Further development of pregnancy after IVF, in principle, is no different from the course of the most ordinary pregnancy.
Of course, before you decide on such a serious and expensive step, it is necessary to study in detail all the proposed options, and to study the reviews on various forums that are devoted to the birth. Surely, there you become infected with optimism by reading many interesting stories that ended with a happy end.