Since childhood, we all know how to properly care for our teeth, but at the same time, almost every of us is familiar with such a concept as toothache.
It should be said right away that the most effective remedy for toothache is a visit to the dentist, in the dentist’s office you will be provided with qualified medical care, in addition, you can find out how much to remove the tooth, if it is no longer a particular sense.
If acute toothache found you at night, then in order to calm it down, you can use a variety of folk remedies. For example, you can make a strong decoction of sage herbs, and you don’t need to wait until it is completely cooled – pick it up in your mouth still hot, keep it from the side where the pain is localized. The same manipulations can be done with vodka, which not only helps to subside, but also serve as an excellent disinfector of the oral cavity.
Between the cheek and a sick tooth you can put a thin piece of fat, or you can replace it with a sheet of valerian or horse sorrel, and the plants can simply be chewed. Such a healer like plantain helps. You can apply a cleaned root to the sore tooth or chew any parts of the green doctor.
If there is iodine at home, then you can draw a iodine net on the cheek behind which the source is located. A piece of ice can also be held near the tooth.
If there is nothing at all at all, then you can find a special acupuncture point that will help to calm down the pain – for this, press a finger on the hollow between the lips and nose.