As numerous researchers note, the small movements of the fingers of the hands of any baby have no hereditary origin. Their formation is the result of a focused effect on the part of the adult on the visual, tactile and muscle systems of the child in the process of direct cognition of the surrounding reality.
Starting from infancy, a clear dependence is noted in the development of the child: small fingers are improved – dynamic mental and speech development occurs. However, as noted earlier, this process does not take a more spontaneous. His premise is specially organized training.
There are various types of work on the development of sneaked and accurate small movements of the fingers: finger games and fun, finger gymnastics, etc. D. The most important thing is that any child’s education should take place in a playful way, be fascinating, feasible and entertaining.
There probably is not a single person who would not know the exercises and games with his fingers. “Magpie -Vorona”, “fingers greet”, “horned goat” – these and other games are well known to everyone from childhood and are passed down from generation to generation.
In our article, we want to introduce you to another direction in the development of manual motor skills – the creation of fingertips.
Examples of exercises to create figures from fingers
The creation of fingers is best accompanied by verse and songs. They are remembered faster and stimulate the desire to perform tasks.
Exercise “Building a house”
For its implementation, the following actions should be carried out: bend your hands in the elbows, palms only at the level of the fingers. You will get the roof of the house.
Exercise “Glasses”
You need to connect the thumb and index fingers of both hands. It should turn out a ring. Then move your hands to eye level.
Exercise “Fish”
For its implementation, you should bend your hands in your elbows, connect all your fingers together, place your palms in the inside to each other and perform a wave -like movement, imitating the movement of the fish in the water.
Exercise “Boat”
Close your fingers on both hands, connect your palms, making a bucket, and make movements with your hands from one side to the other (imitation of the movement of the boat on the water surface).
Exercise “Table”
To perform it, make a fist (table legs) with one hand, and cover the fist from above (countertop) with the palm of the second hand.
Exercise “Kurochka”
Place one hand with your palm up (clearing). The index, thumb and middle fingers of the second hand connect in a pinch (chicken head). After that, make tapping movements with a pinch of fingers in the palm of your hand (imitation of the movements of the chicken during meals).
Exercise “Ring”
To perform this exercise, you need to alternately connect the thumb with all other fingers.
Exercise “Rights a call”
Middle, large and index fingers connect in a pinch. After that, perform the movements of the hand with the hand from side to side (imitation of ringing into the bell).
Exercise “Paint the fence”
Bend your arm at the elbow. Then perform the movements of the hand with the hand up and down (imitation of the movement of the brush with paint).
Exercise “Butterfly flutters”
Fold your fingers both on the left and on your right hand together. Then cross your hands at the wrist level. Then begin to mix crossed hands in different directions: up, down, left, right, in a circle. At the same time, fingers (imitation of wings movements) should still move).
Exercise “Dog”
Collect all fingers together. Place your palm vertically inner side to yourself. Contrast the thumbs to the rest. So you show the dog ears. If you want to imitate how the dog eats, move the little finger (your mouth opens and closes).
The presented exercises for creating fingers for the development of motor skills should be an example for your work.
Come up with entertaining games for the baby and develop it ;-).