The extract of a newborn child from the maternity hospital is carried out 3-7 days after birth. This is a joyful and exciting moment. It is very important that mom is getting stronger after childbirth and feel good.
It is necessary that the woman be examined by the doctor before the discharge. If there are complications or the psychological state of the mother, the unsatisfactory must be wait and continue the treatment with an extract.
Mother’s clothes on the day of discharge should not be ordinary, dress a woman beautifully. She gave the world a new life, make her a holiday. On this day, you need to dress beautifully not only the mother, but also the newborn.
The discharge kit should include:
1. A jumpsuit or pants with a blouse, you can just a blouse and diaper or envelope.
2. Flannel and chintz diapers. If you do not swing the baby, they are still needed in order to cover the surface on which you will lay the child.
3. Envelope for the baby. Envelopes are thin and warm.
4. If you may need a blanket cool.
5. Headwear. In cold weather, under a hat, you need to put on a cotton fabric cap.
6. Diaper.
7. Ribbons that, according to tradition, bandage newborn.
If mom has older children, they need to be psychologically prepared for the fact that they will have a little brother or sister, that mother will be busy and will not be able to devote a lot of time to them. This will help to avoid child jealousy.
The discharge of the child from the hospital should be organized so that it is good for everyone especially to mother and baby. This is not difficult to do if the family has love and mutual support.