The cottage is such a place where we come often and work hard and relax. There is always work in the country, but you also need to rest, because you, especially your children, if you also attract them to work, you will not want to help you help you. For relaxation, it will be nice to walk along the beautiful well -groomed lawn barefoot, especially if you wake up early and go out to the street to drink coffee when the sun has not risen so high and there is dew on the grass.
In order for the lawn to be green and fluffy there are several secrets for its landing and care. Each plant needs water, especially if you only understand the seeds of the grass and wait until it sprouts, it must be hard to water it. The best option would be automatic watering of lawns from Visad. A very strong system that you will install once and forget about the arid summer without rains forever.
In order to sow gas grass, first you need to prepare the soil. It is advisable to poison weeds in the fall, and in the spring dig a plot planned for sowing. What grass do you take to sow, this is also a question because it happens different, it all depends on what kind of sowing will be in. There is grass specifically for darkened places, for a football field, a front lawn, a meadow lawn and so on. It must be sowed on wet soil, covering it with a small layer of earth. Some summer residents do not sprinkle with earth from above, they just still water the grass. This method is also acceptable, but be vigilant. If the birds see that you sowed the grass and did not hide it underground, they will immediately get along with it.
After the grass rises, the first time it will have to be cut when it reaches ten centimeters, leaving sprouts 5 centimeters.
As you already understood the lawn, any summer resident can plant, there is no need for the knowledge of the agronomist, but you just need to work a little and if the first time it does not work out perfect, do not give up, you are not alone. Lit the irregularities, hook more herbs and everything will be green and beautiful.