“At what age should the child be able to read?”Ask excited parents. Moms are especially worried about in whom the child has not yet read, but the baby girlfriend made friends with the book since the age of three. At what age does the “h” come?
All children are different, and on the issue of learning reading too. Someone happens easily and simply, and some parents have to work hard to cause a child to read. For successful learning reading, you need to remember that the main question is not how to teach a child to read from the diapers, but how to instill in the child interest in the book. The most important rule that absolutely all theories adhere to: you cannot learn to read by force!
Force, scream, demand from the child to read – categorically cannot! Otherwise, then, when the child goes to school, you will only be surprised why he, knowing how to read, does not want to do this.
The child should only study with interest. Think about games for children so that during them there is the opportunity to learn a few letters or read a few words.
Some mothers fall into another extreme, and do not show children letters and numbers until a certain age, up to 5-6 years. It is not necessary to prohibit the baby in advance.
You can hang a bright alphabet with pictures in the children’s room, so that it is in sight of the baby. If the child is interested in funny pictures – name him a few letters, let him remember gradually.
When the child grows up a little, doing with it with modeling or application, you can sculpt the letters from plasticine or cut them out of paper. At the same time, say the name of each letter, call the words in which there is this letter.
At what age should the child be able to read?
To learn how to read:
The child must constantly hear a beautiful correct speech. Read poetry, fairy tales, stories to the baby at every opportunity. You can use ready -made audio recordings in which professional actors read works of children’s literature.
Each age has its own characteristics, therefore, reading books to a child in each age period should be different.
Acquaintance with the book can begin at the very early age. The first works that your baby will hear will be children’s rhymes and songs in your mother’s performance.
From 4-6 months, the child comes for active inclusion in the work. Children can already touch different items, taste. Here it comes time to introduce a child to the toys-toys. The kid will feel such a book, taste, study the material from which it is made, look at the pictures. This is the very first, but very important experience of communicating with the book. For this age, you need to select books with large bright illustrations on which there will be few small details.
After the first birthday, you can offer the baby simple short fairy tales: a bun, a chicken rippled, turnip, tower, etc. D. All these tales are based on repetitions, which helps the child remember and try to repeat familiar words.
By the age of the age of three years, the child usually speaks quite well, the time comes for “Pokuchki”. During reading, he will most likely interrupt you many times with a request to explain unfamiliar words. Treat this patiently and give the necessary explanations.
From three to six years old, folk and fairy tales, fairy tales of Pushkin, Andersen, Bazhov are suitable for children.
Checking the understanding of what you read, ask the child to at least briefly retell your fairy tale or draw an illustration.