What should be suitable and comfortable clothes for newborn boys? Firstly, it should not be too small, because boys grow faster and are born larger-accordingly, do not get carried away with “small.
You should not wear diapers on the child all the time, although there are quite conflicting opinions on this subject, but it is believed that in some way this can affect the reproductive system of a man. Therefore, you can sometimes put on gauze diapers or sing a child at home, in the hospital, this may be wary of this. Distributes overheat infant skin, respectively, they need to be worn even even more often, preferably only at night. The rest of the time you can use countless diapers, the benefit of washing machines allow you to cope.
What else is included in the concept of “clothing for newborn”? Sliders are an excellent choice, thanks to straps they will not be able to slide from the shoulders, especially convenient sliders with adjustable straps. Clothing should be warm and comfortable, that is, quite spacious, but do not overheat the baby. It is advisable to create a layer of air between the layers. If the child has the necessary freedom of movement, then the child will not overheat and will not freeze. Do not put on a lot of things on the baby, overheating is harmful.
When making a choice of clothes for a baby up to a year, keep in mind that it is good to use products from natural materials, and the cut should not constrain the movements of the child. Clothing from cotton, flax, wool – great choice.