In this material, we consider the products that came to us from other countries.
Cheese: He captivated everyone
In French cuisine, the head of the cheese is the head.
An integral dishes of French meals are cheeses, which are usually supplied for dessert. The palette of aromas and tastes of cheeses is enormous-from pale blue to acute-picket. The cheese is perfectly absorbed by the body, it contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, and potassium and phosphorus are in the cheese in an optimally balanced ratio.
Let us further consider some varieties of cheeses, nevertheless from French cuisine.
Basker. Semi -hardly sly sheep cheese with exquisite aroma. It is good to eat with fresh bread of rough grinding.
Bren. Delicate soft cheese with an edible crust, having a pleasant, delicate taste. It is good to cook cakes with cheese.
Bonbel. Half -hard sliced cheese with a soft taste with a creamy note and an edible crust. Especially good for making toasts.
Bree de Mo. Soft cheese with an edible crust covered with noble white mold. It likes hazelnuts, has a tart, slightly sour flavor.
Rebloshon. Half -hard sliced cheese with a fragrant taste resembling a taste of hazelnuts. It is good to add it to hot dishes and sauces.
Shaurs. Soft cheese with white noble mold and edible crust. Has a fresh, slightly sour taste.
Morbier. Semi-hard-shaped sliced cheese with fragrant pale-hearted taste and layer of spicy herbs in the center.
Overseas products
When you consume products grown in another climate, your body begins to waste energy to process and digest them – they are like people who speak a foreign language for you. In the structures of the products, information is recorded on climatic and geographical influences in the zone of their growth.
The result of nutrition by overseas products in large quantities can be weakening the body, sagging of the skin. As for fruits, each of them gives its own reaction. Bananas – risk of heart disease. Citrus fruits weaken intestinal motility, cause chilliness, and contribute to a runny nose. Strange, is it not true? However, this conclusion was once reached by Russian scientists who conducted many years of research. So eat the fruits grown in those parts where you live.