Cold winter will come very soon, so it’s time to choose children’s winter boots to the baby. In order to make the right choice, use the following tips.
Determine the size. Make a pattern: circle the children’s leg on the cardboard, and then cut. Take this pattern and go to the store.
True, if the baby is already enough adult better to take him with him. It is better to choose boots in the evening, because by this time the leg is slightly poured, which allows you to correctly determine the fullness of a boot or boot. Be sure to take warm socks with you.
Do not buy shoes “Click”. In the too spacious or too close shoes, the legs will freeze. The most optimal length is 1.5 centimeters longer than the size of the foot. Put on two boots at once and ask the baby to walk. Take a closer look – whether his gait has changed, is it convenient for him. The smallest often simply do not understand whether they are comfortable, and older children can say that they are convenient in boots only for the reason that they really liked them. The same applies to the choice of Snowubuts. What are snowbuses for children can be read in our next article.
If the baby has a narrow leg, do not buy him boots with a round toe, which will create an extra air gap, which is why the legs will be freezed. In addition, if the leg is “hanging out” in too wide shoes, this will lead to excessive load on the muscles.
Pay attention to the rise – the children’s foot should be free to enter the selected boot. This is especially true for kids who go to kindergarten, because there they have to shoe.
Next, you need to decide on the color, a style of shoes, which should harmoniously combine with already purchased winter clothes. Think about what height the shoes will have. There may be boots or boots depending on this. If you tie pants into shoes, then the latter should have a wide boot. If the baby does not walk with legs yet, instead of boots you can buy boots or insulated booties.
Now you know that before buying children’s winter boots, you need to decide on many parameters. Only in this case the purchase will be successful.