Ah, this part of the body that stops the eyes of men and causes the envy of women! Yes, an elastic priest is a dream of many, but quite affordable. You just need to outline a clear plan of action for yourself and not wait for instant results. At best, subject to all recommendations, the effect will occur no earlier than in a month. First you should decide what exercises for elastic priests you will perform. It can be both active aerobic movements or a more calm Pilates.
Alas, hopes for miraculous creams without physical exertion are absurd. Only fitness can overcome excess fat deposits and pull up muscles. And an excellent addition to it will be anti -cellulite masks or creams that stimulate blood flow to the problem areas.
If there is no time to visit sports clubs, then you can deal with at home. A great way to strengthen all muscles will be yoga, the course of studying which is quite possible to purchase on discs. When such species seem too complicated, you can perform ordinary exercises such as a deep squat or the rise of both legs from the position of lying on the back. In this case, the tension of the muscles of the buttocks, not the press should be felt.
Another exercise is made from the position of stops on knees and elbows. One leg stretches along the body and rises up until the tension of the buttocks is felt. In this position, it is held within a minute. Regular and repeatedly performing cycles of exercises on the muscles of the buttocks and hips will certainly give the result. With physical exertion, a diet should be observed, otherwise all efforts will lose meaning. Everyone knows about the dangers of abuse of flour and sweet, so the lifestyle will have to be adjusted.
It is advisable to reduce the amount of food consumed, reduce its calorie content, and also not eat in the evening. Then, with the reduction of fat cells, and the strengthening of muscles, the result will necessarily occur.