Signs of childbirth should be distinguished from their harbingers. In the first case, certain changes in the state of the woman indicate that the birth activity has already begun.
Whereas in the second case, the conversation is only about the fact that the birth will occur in the next few days.
Among them, the omission of the bottom of the uterus, which can occur both two weeks before the day of childbirth, and immediately before starting, the notorious cork closing the entrance to the cervix, the output of which many simply do not notice. Therefore, it is difficult to consider these indicators universal. The most effective sign of childbirth is the waste of water, since their number is quite large, it is extremely problematic to confuse water with discharge from the vagina. But far from always the departed waters precede the fights, they are only an indicator that it is necessary to rush into the hospital so that the attempts do not find at home.
Another sign of imminent birth, but not everyone can do it – this is causeless nausea and stomach disorder. It is also important aspect of what should be remembered during pregnancy. So the body is preparing for quick childbirth. Well, real contractions feels difficult to confuse, if suddenly the rest of the signs passed unnoticed. However, during the first birth, the frequency of fights increases gradually and not all mothers at home immediately manage to understand that this day has come, despite the fact that this is not a false tension of the uterus, which passes painlessly.
Such the first signs of childbirth are most noticeable. Well, it is best to characterize the state of the future mother and only the doctor will be able to dispel her doubts, so it is better to go to the hospital once again to make sure that everything is normal than to give birth at home.