If you need to buy a car seat for a child, you should definitely know which group to choose a children’s car seat. In fact, it is not at all difficult to choose the right group, the main thing is to indicate the weight and growth of your child. Autocreso from 0 to 18 is very popular, since it is made for children who have an age category from birth to four years. We will tell you in detail about all groups of car seats for children.
1. The first group 0, it is also called an auto -lover since such a car seat is similar to the cradle and the child in it is in a lying position and a handle is attached from above in order to conveniently tolerate it. The 0 group includes all children in weight up to nine kilograms. Their approximate age – from birth to six months.
2. Group 0+ – Carriesers of this group have the ability of a transformer, since you can use it from the birth of a child to one year. The weight of the child should be no more than thirteen kilograms.
3. Group I is specialized for a baby aged nine months. up to four years, and the weight of the child should be from nine to eighteen kilograms.
You can purchase a car seallion from 0 to 18 in any store that you will like. There are no restrictions here. The only advice should be listened to is the purchase of a car seare in a specialized store. This will protect you from the purchase of counterfeit goods, which can only be determined by specialists who specialize in sale only by car seats.
The choice of children’s car seats is a very responsible step. Not only the security of the child depends on him during trips in the car, but also the correct physical development of the baby. After all, size 0 implies a newborn baby, who has just begun his life path, his muscles and spine should develop correctly, regardless of whether he is his own crib or on the way.
Having visited the autocreses store, you can choose not only the right model, but even the coloring of the car seres in which your child will ride.