Lavash can be purchased at the store, but it is also cooked at home. For example, you need to take flour, hot water and salt. Flour will need 3 full glasses, salt half a teaspoon, and hot water – a glass. Stir the salt in water and gradually pour into flour, simultaneously kneading it. Interfere with the time when the dough becomes from the hands. Next, form a bun and covering it with a napkin or waffle towel to wait 20 minutes until it “rests”.
The next stage is the frying of cakes in a dry pan. It is best to cook homemade lavashs in a pan with anti -stick coating. To fry the cake, you need to cut off a small piece from a large piece, the size of a pin ball, roll it into a thin layer and fry it on both sides. Remove with a spatula and put on a wooden board. Ready -made hot lavash bend with water and cover with a napkin.
Having thus prepared lavash, it is used as an independent dish and as a shell for snacks, and the filling can be absolutely any. For example, mash cottage cheese, add finely chopped greens, two teeth of chopped garlic and several spoons of mayonnaise. Mix everything and wrap the resulting filling in the lavash. It is necessary to ensure that the filling is not too moist so that the cake does not break.
Or instead of cottage cheese, use crab sticks mixed with chopped boiled eggs and grated cheese, also greens, garlic and mayonnaise.
Another lavash is useful for cooking, the so -called Jewish salad. Take a melted cheese and garlic and pass through a meat grinder or rubbing a grater, mixed, flavored with mayonnaise. Knead and wrap everything in a lavash. This appetizer is kept in the refrigerator before serving to the table so that the dough is saturated with filling. Lavash can also be used in the form of pancakes with a filling of meat, cottage cheese, etc. Then wrapped lavash with filling is fried in a pan in any oil, or baked in the oven.
Or here is a common home dish: Lavash with fish. To make this snack you need to take the contents of one can of fish canned fish, it is better from red fish, 3 boiled eggs, a slice of cheese, herbs, garlic and mayonnaise as a refueling. Lavasha will need three pieces. So. Garlic is crushed by press, mix with mayonnaise and finely chopped greens, mix and smear one lavash.
Cover it with the second lavash, on which a large fish is applied. Cover the third lavash. Mayonnaise is smeared on it and chopped eggs are applied. Tightly wrap and put under the press and in the refrigerator for half an hour.
There are a lot of fillings for lavash. You need to try everything to evaluate the taste of the lavash.