In medical practice, patients with kidney disease are more common. This is one of the vivid health problems in the modern world. Usually, complaining of pain, people demonstrate part of the back or lower back, but this does not hurt the kidneys at all, but rather a displacement of the intervertebral discs occurred. However, with kidney pain, the return to the spine is quite possible, since the intervertebral muscles turn off, the roots are irritated, which surround the spine.
Excessive pressure is formed on the vessels that give blood to the spine roots.
Bright and unbearable pain in the vertebrae arise. If you do not take the necessary measures in time, a person may stop moving normally, and then these pains give complications to the kidneys. With insufficient feeding the blood of the kidneys, the fibrous-spacing process begins, which interferes with the nutrition of the kidneys. All colds also harm the body and cause renal failure. As a result, glomerulonephritis is formed, one of the most dangerous kidney diseases. Any cold infection penetrates deep into the blood, touching blood vessels and tissues, and therefore the kidney disease develops. There is a milder degree of kidney disease – pyelonephritis, which is enough to simply cure under the supervision of a specialist. Although this disease can also be cured by drinking special settings from the herbs of a thousand -year -old or “bear ears”.
However, simple prevention is not enough to completely save the human body from a complex disease of the kidneys. Here we need a whole range of procedures aimed at the vascular, muscle and neurological system of the body. First of all, it is necessary to do special gymnastics, massage and keep the kidneys in the warmth. Когда органы получают нормальное питание, тепло, они передают электрический импульс, который катализируют процесс регенерации клеток. Massage will remove stagnation in the muscles, thereby strengthen the results of treatment. It is necessary to achieve mitigation of the per 1stal muscle, to achieve its complete relaxation. Due to these actions, you can remove unwanted seals that are formed in the muscles.
Why do there are pain in the kidney area? Everything is quite simple: the kidney area swells and increases markedly. Since there are many sensitive endings in the entire body, they cause pulling and unpleasant pains. If we study the process of kidney disease is deep enough, then you can understand how to properly treat this disease and take into account all possible complications. For a note, it is worth adding that hormones in the human body play an important role, they respond to all changes, and therefore, during the disease, they confuse the body’s work, excluding the possibility of self -regulation of the processes.
You should never delay the treatment, hope “at exchanged” and think that someday “everything will go on its own”. It is worth immediately starting treatment, which should include the implementation of all procedures for the treatment of serious colds. In your treatment mode, it is necessary to include electric current correction through intervertebral roots that respond to the actions of the spinal cord. It will also not be superfluous to conduct press therapy sessions aimed at kidney massage. Under pressure, the renal channels are cleaned, thereby the buds begin to heal. A biochemical correction may be required, for which special renal fees of herbs are acquired, which save the body from renal failure. And, most importantly, remember that the kidneys constantly need warmth. Therefore, without looking at fashion trends, it is necessary to keep these organs warm.
Subject to all these simple rules, recovery will not be long in coming.