We develop motor skills
To deal with the child to develop motor skills of the fingers, you need to start with infancy. The effectiveness of his acquaintance with the structure of his own body, with objects and phenomena of the world, and most importantly, the development of speech, depends on the accuracy, coordination and coordination of the small movements of the baby.
The sooner and better, you develop the motor skills of your baby, the more active it will develop oral speech, the rapid development of physical and cognitive spheres will occur.
What types of work is advisable to use for the development of motor motor skills?
The main types of work are:
Hand massage: hands and fingers;
finger exercises with objects of different textures, values and shapes;
finger gymnastics (movements of the hands accompanying the recitation of the poem).
How to organize a lesson on the use of objects for the development of hands motor skills?
In order for the performance of exercises with objects to bring joy to the baby and is not a burden to him, a number of conditions or rules should be observed:
The duration of the lesson should not exceed 5-10 minutes, since a young child is quickly tired;
Exercises must correspond to the age and individual capabilities of the baby;
The items used should be hygienic, aesthetic and attractive;
Work with the child is built on the principle of “from simple to complex”;
Each exercise should be repeated several times in order to fix the skills obtained;
compliance with safety measures in the process of using items.
Examples of the game with objects aimed at developing hands motor skills
The game “There is here, there is no!”
Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hands and fingers.
In order to hold this game, you will need sponges or other items from porous and elastic materials (in accordance with the size of the child’s hands). Take the sponge, put it on the palm of your hand and squeeze your fingers so that the sponge disappears. Similar movements offer to make a baby. If he finds it difficult to perform these movements on its own, use a reception of joint actions.
The game “Hide toy”
Provides for the development of the strength, accuracy and consistency of small fingertips.
As equipment you will need: dough or soft plasticine, small plastic toys. Before you start the game, open the plasticine well or prepare the dough. Then present the baby small toys, for example, glass balls. Be careful so that the child does not pull them in the mouth. After that, flatten the plasticine and wrap them a ball. Similar actions suggest taking a child. When the ball is reliably hidden, you can take the reverse actions – remove plasticine.
The game “This is what a pea!”
aimed at developing the correct differentiated capture, the accuracy of small movements of the hands.
To play this game, you need to prepare the following materials: buckwheat, peas, semolina, sand, spoon, sovka, bowls, boxes and other containers. It is best to start the game with the arrival of some toy guest who needs to help-to sprinkle something. To solve the problem situation, put a box or bowl of cereal in front of the baby, and also arrange different containers. Show the baby how to take these containers and sprinkle loose substances. If the baby is not entirely careful, you should not respond negatively to this, since his movements are still not coordinated and accurately enough.
To come up with a task of using objects that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, quite easy. Show a little creativity!