The child is as a person
Absolutely every child develops according to his individual methodology. It is stupid to enter it in some kind of framework. Parents can either help or interfere.
Of great importance in the development of talent are innate abilities, inclinations. It is not as difficult to educate a child prodigy as it might immediately seem.
Given the natural children’s curiosity, for this it is enough to provide good sources of knowledge from various directions of our life. This is where the main catch and the mistake of most mothers and dads lies. This, as a rule, ends all attempts to develop a child of a small person who, subsequently possessing a mass of knowledge, does not know what to do with them.
What to do correctly? Firstly, you should not take the success of the baby for talent, which simply develops according to the age. You need to soberly look from the side and evaluate real opportunities, so that then there is no mutual disappointment. Secondly, to suppress their inattentive attitude to the stable interests of the child, to his achievements. In order not to cross the line, you need to contact and listen to adequate teachers and specialists.
But this is not enough. To achieve goals, qualities such as perseverance and patience are needed. To educate these most important character traits, the parents themselves need to arm themselves with patience. In no case should you do for the child what he is able to do independently, do not please. He must be able to turn to you for help, but only when he cannot cope on his own.
Consider with your son or daughter as an adult about and without, even choosing a toy. You need to hear, and not just pretend what you listen to, what your little friend is talking about. Friends with your children, communicate with them on equal terms. Only in such an environment can a person grow.