The opening of RFW, or weeks of Russian fashion, took place on October 16. Of course, the event is significant, which is proved by the presence of the Minister of Culture at the ceremony. The solemn event was associated with the presentation of such an association as the Russian Fashion Museum – it is now that it is in our country. Alexander Avdeev, Minister of Russian Culture, was among the speakers at the official opening of Ssian Fashion Week. Among other honorary (and popular) personalities, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Grigory Ivliev, Alexander Shumsky can be noted. Of course, the director of the new Fashion Museum, Barzhanova Margarita and his curator – Semenov Vladimir, was also present.
The evening opened by congratulations from the Government of the Russian Federation, the official appeal from Alexander Zhukov was read out by Margarita Barzhanova. The need to create a fashion museum was especially emphasized, since all world capitals have something similar on their territory, only Moscow, until today, has not been one of them. Now, as the Minister of Culture says, you can maintain a fashionable heritage, because the history of the Russian fashion is huge.
You can come to the museum just to evaluate how domestic fashion has been transformed over the centuries. But the museum should bring special benefit to young designers, those who are just starting their way in the creation of beautiful clothes. After all, visiting the museum, they will be able to evaluate all centuries -old experience, create collections taking into account the national color.
Vyacheslav Zaitsev, as a true creator of the fashion of Russia, conveyed some classic models from his own collections as a gift to the new museum. If we talk about the Fashion Week itself, it was visited by almost 600 people from the country’s cultural and political elite, as well as fashion experts and designers – both beginners and already created their name.