Skin makeup is one of the main stages of makeup. If you do not pay due attention to him, then no arrows, bright shadows and lipstick will not save you. If you have a good skin condition, it will be enough to apply a moisturizer on the face and slightly powder it. If there are pimples on the face, freckles, traces of the post -acne, small scars, noticeable blood vessels or vitiligo, then the work “on the face” is somewhat complicated.
Noticeable blood vessels. Similar flaws, as a rule, appear on the skin of women over forty years old. You can disguise them with a cream or pencil with a green tint. After applying a green concealer, an opaque base is applied to the skin. The vascular mesh is less noticeable on the tanned face, so before making light makeup, you should use the means for artificial tanning.
Inflammation and pimples. This problem is especially relevant for young people. It is solved by long, proper skin care. During this treatment, you can mask pimples with a special cream or pencil. Green concealer is best masked, but if there is no such product, you can apply a slightly tonal product to the pimple and wait until it dries. At the end, you need to apply antiseptic powder to the skin.
Freckles. Holders of freckles most often strive to get rid of them. To do this, you need to be less in the sun using photo protection products. You can align dark and bright places on your face with a transparent base for makeup. However, remember that you will not be able to completely hide the “Sunny Kiss”. To shift the accents a little – use bright makeup of the lips and eyes.
Vitiligo. White spots on the face require long and careful treatment. You can disguise them with the help of a car carrier. It is only necessary to apply it to problem areas. In addition, they need to be additionally covered with powder and foundation.
Remember that makeup and skin care should always be “in a duet”. If the skin is wrong, no makeup can transform your appearance.