The child whimpered, and you, without hesitation, hold out a dummy. This method of consolation of the baby is old as the world. Moms in ancient Egypt offered the kids to suck smooth pebbles, in China they used nipples from cow udder as a dummy, the Slavs comforted their children with rags moistened in a honey broth.
The dummy nipple familiar to everyone was born relatively recently, in 1900. Since then, disputes have not subside: whether a dummy is needed, and who needs it more – a child or adults who want silence and peace.
The sucking reflex is preserved in a child up to 5 months. At this time, feeding is introduced. It is advisable for mothers after 5 months to start weaning a child from a dummy, since an incorrect bite can form and a slowdown in speech development may occur.
Which pacifier-daste to choose
Today, nipples are made of two materials: latex and silicone. At first glance, the choice is small. But both pediatricians and mothers are still arguing about which nipple is worthy to be the only.
Latex nipples are produced from a polymer of natural origin, proteins and amino acids. Such nipples bring the baby’s sensations to those that he feels, taking the mother’s breast. This material is natural and able to heat up in the mouth.
Silicone nipples, based on silicon compounds, are biologically inert, more warm -resistant and durable. Silicone – pure synthetics. Dirt does not stick to him so much, and his service life is about 3 months.
It is with a white transparent silicone that pediatricians are advised to start. But as soon as the first teeth appear, it is better to switch to a latex dummy. It is softer and contributes to the formation of the correct bite. However, it must be remembered that it is latex nipples that can sometimes cause allergic reactions in the oral cavity. In addition, over time, latex “resolves”, microcracks appear on it, in which bacteria settle. At this moment, the nipple needs to be urgently changed.
Pay attention when choosing a nipple-dummy at the following points:
– The walls of the nipple should not stick together;
– the surface should be smooth;
– The strength of the cylinder connection to the ring should be high.
Before giving a nipple baby, pick up the ruler. If the child is small, he can choke on a long nipple. Remember: for babies who have not yet been 3 months, you need a nipple of a half centimeter long; 3 cm – this is already for one -year -old peanuts.
At a year and a half the nipple is not very necessary. It is at this age that pediatricians advise to wean their favorite “antidepressant” in their mouths. It can’t be weaned – do not be upset, because by three years the sucking reflex is fading away by itself.