Agree that the winter diet is very difficult to imagine without crispy pickles or pickled cucumbers, and a salad of cucumbers for the winter will always be a welcome guest on our table. That’s why the hostesses work all summer for all summer, rolling up appetizing blanks from cucumbers to the banks.
Of course, it was possible to tell you about the preparation of salty cucumbers who fit perfectly into such widespread birthdays as Olivier and Cracial, but let’s dwell on more unusual blanks.
If you do not like to mess with marinades, you can prepare a beautiful blank “Cucumber circles” – piquant circles of cucumbers can be added to the original festive salads, or you can just crunch at dinner with them. Please note that the number of all products is indicated for a half -liter jar.
Pre -prepare the banks: they can be sterilized, or you can “bend” in the sun. Pour cucumbers with cold water, wash and cut the tails (you will need about one cucumber for one jar). Peel the carrots, cut into circles (you will need to take 5-6 rounds for a portion).
Put a little dill at the bottom of the jar, carrot circles and a pair of garlic tohes. Fill the rest of the space with cucumber roundworms. Pour a teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of sugar on top and pour a tablespoon of vinegar. Pour cold boiled water on the shoulders into the jar, and another 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil on top. Close all cans with lids and sterilize from the moment boiling for 15 minutes. Roll the lids, turn over and leave to cool, while you do not need to wrap.
To prepare the Latgale cucumber salad, you need to cut in circles of 2.5 kg of prepared cucumbers (washed, with cut tails). Cut 1 kg of onions in half rings or rings. Grind 70 g of dill greens.
Put the prepared ingredients in a pan, pour 100 g of sugar and a tablespoon of salt there, pour 100 ml of vegetable oil and the same amount of vinegar (6 %), mix everything well. Cook for 15 minutes – as a result, vegetables should change color. Lay up the Latgale salad for banks and roll up.
“Chile cucumbers” will conquer all your guests and households, and this workpiece is done very simple. Mix 6 glasses of water, 1 cup of vinegar, the same amount of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt and 6 tablespoons of acute ketchup. Bring this mixture to a boil.
On the bottom of sterile cans, lay the leaves of cherries and currants, dill, garlic, and then cucumbers. Pour a hot marinade into the jar, and then sterilize the banks for another 5-7 minutes.