The importance of the child’s gender was not too significant for me and my husband. It’s just that I, as a lady of ambitious and purposeful, wanted, of course, my son – the heir, the successor of my case, support, etc. D. And the husband dreamed that a girl was born: with big eyes shining with laughter and a snub -nosed nose. He so wanted to braid her braids, buy bright dresses, and when he grows up, see a serious and reliable husband next to her. And we began to study a variety of tests, scientific research, evidence of how to plan the sex of the child in advance – the benefit on the Internet is enough. At the same time, I looked at all his proposals quite positively and agreed to all ways to conceive a girl (although she wanted a son in my soul). The information below is the ways that we experienced. Maybe someone is useful
From the method of fertilization in vitro (t. e. With the help of medical intervention) we refused immediately. Although the probability is great here, the issue of oppression of male pride in this case is unequivocal. We took advantage of the natural methods of conception, all tips and recommendations. For example, a woman’s biological clock, when conception is most likely. e. The moment of ovulation was attributed to the most unfavorable period precisely for our case. The reason – in this period, boys are most often obtained. Men’s lazy and weak Y-chromosomes are not able to wait a favorable moment-give the egg just right away, otherwise-death to them! Women’s x chromosomes are more tenacious and strong-for the conception of a girl they can be in a healthy, active state in the vagina for up to 4 days! And which of us after such a weaker sex? Since, after ovulation, conception is undesirable: various problems of the child’s health may appear, this period was also excluded. There is a little time left: after the end of menstruation + several days to ripen the egg and before ovulation.
I also liked it and the method of proper food was enjoyed with pleasure. If you want to give birth to a daughter – refuse meat, fish, mushrooms and salt completely (by the way, it will only be better for health). And eat vegetables (especially eggplant, beets, carrots, cucumbers, peas, peppers, onions), nuts and necessarily milk in unlimited quantities. Is this so, but for her husband such a vegetarian diet was very painful. He stupidly withstood (at least he was not noticed).
And finally the test showed pregnancy! There were many joy and hopes that still efforts were not spent in vain. Now it is possible and necessary for the expectant mother to have everything that the soul wishes for health and baby. I want to say the word in favor of just such a forced vegetarian diet – there was practically no toxicosis. The body was cleansed and quite naturally survived physiological changes.
Bottom line – after 9 months, a healthy and strong baby was born in our family – daddy’s favorite Tatyana. Almost 8 years have passed and we think about the child again – only now I want the son to both. We will try!