The modern method of prosthetics in dentistry is considered tooth implantation. The absence of one or more teeth in the dentition is a nuisance of both aesthetic and physiological nature. Functional overload of the remaining teeth can lead to their loosening, deformation of the bite, poor -quality chewing food.
Implantation of tooths makes it possible to install a denture without processing and damage to neighboring teeth. The implant, which is a titanium screw, is implanted in the jaw bone in the place of a removed tooth. Thus, replacing the real root of the tooth, the support for the crown is formed. Modern dental implants provide a strong connection with the jaw and are biologically compatible with body tissues.
A special case in which implantation technology is strongly recommended is the absence of one tooth surrounded by absolutely healthy teeth. Implantation of teeth – extreme measure. Avoid prosthetics by retaining your own healthy teeth to old age, if you protect them from caries and periodontal disease, and also not to forget about the need to align the teeth – in time the installed dental braces correct their incorrect location.
If implantation is recommended to you, then you should have an idea of how this procedure proceeds. Usually it is carried out in two stages. On the first, the bone bed is prepared and the intraosseous part of the implant is placed in it. At the second stage, which is carried out after four or six months for surgery on the upper jaw and two or three for the lower, the gums are screwed, replacing it in a few weeks by an abatman – a support for attaching the crown. Anesthesia for teeth implantation is reliable and provides complete painlessness. Enlightenment of implanted teeth – at least 95%. Unfortunately, teeth implantation is still a procedure for long -term time, and more expensive compared to the usual prosthetics. The patient can also find contraindications, which can become an obstacle to this type of dental services.